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Tune in to your body

Our bodies are a bit like a radio with a difficult signal... there is so much noise going on that it is hard to get a clear message about what it needs.

When we slow down, feed ourselves whole foods and begin to listen to what it is trying to tell us, the messages are amazing and the effects on our energy and health are abundant...

This is all easy to say, but making shifts in our eating patterns and relationship with our bodies is not easy. That is why I will be launching a group coaching programme from September to December 2015 to help you make that shift.

Is this for me?

  • are you feeling confused with conflicting messages about food and what you should and shouldn't be eating?
  • would you like to feel happier with your body - have more energy, shift some excess kilos?
  • has your relationship with food and your body been a bit of a battlefield with yo-yo diets, will power failings and ongoing negativity? 

If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, this programme is interesting for you...

What can I expect?

  • 6 sessions of one hour with a group of 6-8 people
  • fun learning environment with lots of interaction 
  • qualified health coach leading the sessions and helping you on your journey
  • extra session at a health food shop (tour) to see what's there and how to use it
  • each session focussed on clearing myths around certain foods (proteins, carbohydrates, fats...) and looking at an aspect of our relationship with it (experiencing hunger, mindful eating...)
  • new foods to try, new recipes shared, setting and fulfilling intentions, reaching your personal goals while learning from others too


The sessions will be organised on the following Thursdays between 13h30 and 14h30 at Aspria Art-Loi (26 rue de l'Industrie)
24 September, 8 October, 22 October, 12 November, 26 November and 10 December

Total cost for the programme: 300 euro (VAT included)

Sound interesting?

Reserve your place or find out more today

Earlier Event: 9 July
Mindful Eating
Later Event: 30 April
Raw Food workshop