Branching out...

As well as our usual weekly trip to the Tanneurs market in Brussels, the last two weeks my partner is lucky to work in a place where his colleagues are growing their own vegetables and have set up a small system that we can buy some of their produce...

I love it - he comes home with fresh herbs that we are not growing in our garden, an amazing fresh garlic, delicious spring onions, bunches of chard and then some more unusual stuff too which gets me seeking out new recipes and trying out new dishes...


Checking out what to do with Sorrel  - led me to Ottolenghi's book 'Plenty' (always a delight) and I did a variation on his sorrel dish with white beans and sumac


The second leaf which I had never had before is apparently called Red Orach and I added it into a Thai Curry which makes a beautiful purple dish...

Such amazing leaves out in the Spring - I am still hoping to discover a few more...

If you come across them too, I hope you will enjoy these recipes.